On the decision to not renew my membership here
Inspired by Martin French’s recent updatey article — lookie here at it below. . .
I decided to take a look at my own stats. Hmm.
Granted, I haven’t been writing this year — at all, to be honest. Again, as Martin remarked in his article, life has a way of derailing the artistic process, and this is especially true for me since I am unable to create from a place of too much discomfort. I know plenty of people who are perfectly capable of turning adversity into art, but I am not one of them: when adversity strikes, I careen headlong into a place of practicality. I focus on the moment and what I CAN achieve, rather than all the billions of things that are jeering at me beyond the (very short) reach of my control.
When the going gets rough, I clean the house and shop for groceries and make sure all the laundry’s done. I…