March, 2

Amy Jasek
3 min readMar 20, 2023

Instant 365 Project

Instax mini film photo by author

Hi friends! I am back from my camping trip to Big Bend National Park and trying to catch up on things. I owe y’all two posts related to my photo-a-day-challenge attempt with Instax mini film; this is the first of those. When I started looking for the photos yesterday to scan, I realized that every day has been so full lately I hardly remember the week before last. I found two of the photos on my piano, and others stashed around my desk. This is the hazard of living completely in the moment, I guess: you forget everything that came before.

With a nod to my friend Lisa Toboz (who is amazing and y’all definitely need to check out her instagram) I made this photo on Women’s Day. Personally I’m not into that day, but it was *everywhere* on social media, so I decided I ought to take some kind of artistic notice of it. That’s my Grandma on the wall behind me, and half of my Grandpa. The portraits were made I’m guessing for their 40th wedding anniversary. I remember the one of my Grandfather hanging over the piano in their house, and the one of my Grandmother hanging in Grandpa’s office. They loved each other so much. I’ve had the photos for months and only just recently got…

